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My two daughters who are 5 and 1 years old inspired the characters used in this series. I also wanted to make them superheroes. All kids love superheroes, I know I did growing up. If you named a random superhero name, I could probably tell you a fact about them. Channeling my inner child and thinking would look fun to a child and to my daughters gave me ideas while completing the cover. Making it as colorful as possible I feel would catch the attention of my target audience
My immediate family(Wife, Children, Sister) and God are my foundation and support system as a writer. My wife Khadijah Wynn supports my ideas and allows me the space needed to tap into my inner self and be bold, creative, and giving me the extra assurance I needed personally. I pray constantly to God to give me a vision and the words needed to write my stories. Every day I look at my daughters and see how they respond to reading and I get an extra boost of energy and it keeps me looking for new topics to write on and what attracts them.

The biggest struggle for me is when I go to book stores and see other books on the shelf and know that is where I want to be ultimately but know that it’s a process. Sometimes looking at other books and comparing them to mine sometimes made me look at my work more critically than it needs to be. Another obstacle for me is the budget for publishing the book and not knowing the do’s and don’ts when writing a book. Learning on the fly and getting all of the kinks out now, although, are obstacles help me in the process of publishing more books in the future and becoming more efficient.

The biggest struggle for me is when I go to book stores and see other books on the shelf and know that is where I want to be ultimately but know that it’s a process. Sometimes looking at other books and comparing them to mine sometimes made me look at my work more critically than it needs to be. Another obstacle for me is the budget for publishing the book and not knowing the do’s and don’ts when writing a book. Learning on the fly and getting all of the kinks out now, although, are obstacles help me in the process of publishing more books in the future and becoming more efficient.
I have many successes in life, that are tough to narrow down. One success I can say is surviving three strokes and being alive to share my stories, life lessons, and passions with the world is truly great but being able to share them with my wife, children, family, and friends is what I would have to say is the greatest and I thank God every day about it.

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